If you are a veteran in crisis, please call the veterans crisis line, available 24/7 at 988 (then press 1)

This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance. The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and their families. For more information, visit www.TVC.Texas.gov.
Please read and review the eligibility requirements
before proceeding to the application.
Financial Assistance Program – Eligibility and Requirements
To qualify for assistance, applicants:
Must reside in the state of Texas and be:
Veteran / Active Duty / Reserve / National Guard (proof of service required)
Dependent of Veteran - Spouse, or child(ren) (must reside with the veteran)
a minor (before the age of 18) biological, step, or adopted child of a Texas Veteran
or before the age 23, if a full‐time student.
Surviving Spouse
Submit an online application. To ensure your application is complete and eligible for review, please submit all required documentation for each section you are applying for.
Only complete applications will be reviewed and processed. Please ensure that any documents you submit do not display a Social Security number. Be sure to redact or block this information before uploading. Our intake team will follow up with you if additional information is required.
Veteran / Active Duty / Reserve / National Guard:
Proof of Service: DD214 or uniform service identification card
Proof of Residency: Copy of valid state identification (Texas), copy of utility bill with service address (must be in applicant's name)
Picture ID: Required to verify identity
Dependent (Spouse, or child(ren) under the age of 18 residing with the veteran):
Proof of Service: DD214 or uniform service identification card
Proof of Residency: Copy of valid state identification (Texas), copy of utility bill with service address (must be in applicant's name)
Picture ID: Not required for minor children
Proof of Relationship: Marriage Certificate, Common Law Marriage Declaration, Birth/Adoption Certificate
Surviving Spouse:
Proof of Service: DD214 or uniform service identification card
Proof of Residency: Copy of valid state identification (Texas), copy of utility bill with service address (must be in applicant's name)
Picture ID: Not required for minor children
Proof of Relationship: Marriage Certificate, Common Law Marriage Declaration
Death Certificate
Documentation of Need:
Copies of bill(s) due or overdue (must be in applicant’s name)
Submit clear and legible copies.
Bills that have already been paid cannot be reimbursed.
All payments are paid directly to the vendor.
An application is considered complete once all required documents are submitted.
Only complete applications will be reviewed for eligibility.
Ensure all documents are attached in the correct category of assistance requested.
Documents for all household members, as outlined in the application, are required.
Camp SHiEld provides financial assistance in the following categories:
Housing - Rent and Mortgage
Transportation - Vehicle Payments/Insurance/Repairs
Drop in Child/Adult Care